Juynboll’s Introduction

This is the English version of Floris Juynboll’s introduction to his Lotte Lehmann Discography which he prepared for the biography written by Alan Jefferson. Lotte Lehmann had the kind of soprano voice that made her predestined for the performance of Lieder....

Bizet’s mélodie

Adieux de l’hôtesse arabe: Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Puisque rien ne t’arrête en cet heureux pays, Ni l’ombre du palmier, ni le jaune maïs, Ni le repos, ni l’abondance, Ni de voir à ta voix battre le jeune sein De nos sœurs, dont, les soirs, le...

Lehmann Praise and…

On other pages you can find actual newspaper clippings of critical comments on Lehmann’s performances. Here’s another page related to reviews. For those not familiar with the praise (and other kinds of words) garnered by Lotte Lehmann, it’s interesting to...

Eleanor Steber

Eleanor Steber remembers Lehmann Sherman Zelinsky sent us a photocopy of a chapter in the new “Eleanor Steber: An Autobiography” in which she recalls her “geliebte Lotte.” In 1943, during a time when she was singing Sophie with Lehmann’s...

Volume 6

Lotte Lehmann League Newsletter Fall 1994 Volume VI, No. 1 Final Issue New Lehmann CDs As the March/April 1994 issue of Fanfare notes, four recent CDs amount to “a treasure trove for Lotte Lehmann fans.” The first is the complete recordings of the 1941...

Volume 5

Lotte Lehmann League Newsletter Summer 1993 Volume V, No. 1 AN ARCHIVIST CHECKS HISTORY Often when one hears the word “archivist” or “discographer” there is a question as to not only what the word means, but thereafter, what “use”...