LLF Newsletters

Fall 2000 Summer 01 Fall 02 Winter 02 Fall 03 Spring 04 Fall 04 Spring 05 Winter 05 Above are some of the Newsletters that Suchi Psarakos and I put out in the first years of the Lotte Lehmann Foundation. During those first years we also kept touch with our...

Many Write About Lotte Lehmann

On another page you may find articles from Time and Life magazines. For reviews and what some famous people have written or said about Lehmann, go to: Praise and…. Also, you can read what her friend and traveling companion, Herman Schornstein wrote in his...

Misc. Lotte Lehmann Writing

Contents of this page of Lehmann articles, poems and papers include: 1. The unpublished introduction to Eighteen Song Cycles 1a. The published introduction “Lieder Interpretation” to Eighteen Song Cycles 2. Lotte Lehmann’s first poem in English...

Autobio Intro & PS

Here are excerpts from the Foreword to Lotte Lehmann’s autobiography, Midway in My Song, or On Wings of Song, published in 1938. Her post script to the foreword is even more famous. Below that, you’ll find the Foreword to her 1945 book on song...

LL on Rosenkavalier

You may want to read magazine articles that reference LL’s role in Der Rosenkavalier. Or you can read about the famous recorded performances of the opera with Lehmann as the Marschallin. Lotte Lehmann on Der Rosenkavalier: Perspectives from Her Spoken...

Intro to LL’s Last Book

Here is LL’s advice on Lieder interpretation from her final book, Eighteen Song Cycles: Studies in their Interpretation, published in 1972. The unused introduction can be found below. Interpretation means: individual understanding and reproduction. How then is...