Constance Hope

Here’s what Beaumont Glass wrote about Constance Hope and Lehmann: Her accompanist [Ernö Balogh] urged her to hire a publicist. America is such an enormous country. Good notices in New York papers are not necessarily read in Detroit or New Orleans or Kansas City....

Lehmann’s Origins

Märkische Allgemeine, 17. Januar 1998 Der Baron und seine Protegé Die Operndiva Lotte Lehmann und Konrad Gans Edler Herr zu Putlitz Von Peter Hahn Von Baron Konrad Gans Edler Herr zu Putlitz gefördert, von Otto Klemperer auf die Bühne der Hamburger Oper geholt, von...

Birth Certificate

A German realization and an English translation of the birth certificate follows. GERMAN VERSION OF LEHMANN’S BIRTH CERTIFICATENr. 50Perleberg am 1. Marz 1888 Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschien heute, der Persönlichkeit nach bekannt, der...

Bach Family

The Bach Family For more information, you can read the entry at wiki: Veit Bach (?-1619) was a miller who had two musician sons: Johannes Bach I (1550-1626) and Philippus Bach (1590-1620).  Johannes had three sons, from wom stemmed...

Angel Peña

This page is devoted to the Filipino composer and bassist, Angel Peña. He passed away 22 December 2014. When I arrived in Manila to teach bass in 1966, Angel and his family were in Hong Kong, where he was playing in jazz groups. He did me the signal honor of returning...


The composer wrote the poetry for this set of songs. I’m sorry about the missing diacritical marks. 1. Action des graces/Thanksgiving Le Ciel, et l’eau qui suit les variations des nuages, Et fa terre, et les montagnes qui attendent toujours, Et la lumiere...