
Les Angélus words are by Grégoire Le Roy (1862-1941). Cloches chrétiennes pour les matines, Sonnant au coeur d’espérer encore! Angelus angelisés d’aurore! Las! Où sont vos prières câlines? Vous étiez de si douce folies! Et chanterelles d’amours...

Native Singer or ?

Nell Charles-Marie-René Leconte de Lisle (1818-1894) wrote the words for Nell, having been inspired by Robert Burns. Ta rose de pourpre à ton clair soleil, Ô Juin, étincelle enivrée, Penche aussi vers moi ta coupe dorée: Mon coeur à ta rose est pareil. Sous le mol...

Lehmann/Melchior Recital

In the 1940s, Lehmann gave many joint recitals with heldentenor and friend, Lauritz Melchior. She had fun on the tours with him. He loved to joke around and they sang well together. In this Melchior Memorial interview Lehmann spoke about their joint recital...

Troy Recital

Many thanks to Karl Moschner: Provided by Rensselaer County Historical Society, 57 Second Street, Troy, NY 12180,...

Verlaine Poems

Mandoline Les donneurs de sérénades Et les belles écouteuses Échangent des propos fades Sous les ramures chanteuses. C’est Tircis et c’est Aminte, Et c’est l’éternel Clitandre, Et c’est Damis qui pour mainte Cruelle fit maint vers tendre....

Theatre Arts Monthly

Here is the full article that Lehmann wrote for the April 1937 edition of Theatre Arts Monthly. I assume that someone did the translation into English, because at this time, Lehmann’s English wasn’t so good. She makes one small error. The Beethoven centennial was not...