Volume 4

Lotte Lehmann League Newsletter Spring 1992 Volume IV, No. 1 LEHMANN’S BIRTH DATE One can find a great many birthdates given for Lotte Lehmann. I always assumed that vanity lead her to change the date, and since 27 February was Caruso’s birthday, this seemed an...

Volume 3

Lotte Lehmann League Newsletter Spring 1991 Volume III, No. 1 Lotte Lehmann’s Earliest Recordings by Horst Wahl (translation: Judy Sutcliffe) It is both interesting and noteworthy that the very earliest recordings of the young German singer Lotte Lehmann were produced...

LLL Newsletters Vol. 2

Lotte Lehmann League Newsletter Spring 1990: Volume II, No. 1 Editor’s Note: This issue is dedicated to Lehmann’s Der Rosenkavalier Lehmann fans are well-aware that she created the definitive realization of the role of the Marschallin in Der Rosenkavalier of Richard...

Milhaud Translations

Léo Latil (1890-1915) was the poet for Pourquoi, pourquoi m’avez vous abandonné? (Why, why have you aboandoned me?) Pourquoi, pourquoi m’avez vous abandonné? Il fait nuit et le grand vent de la fin de l’hiver souffle. Il siffle dans la cheminée et...

Volume 1

Index Lotte Lehmann League Newsletter Spring 1989, Volume 1 Number 1 A good year for record collectors As we enter the second Lehmann century… Dr. Exner’s lecture available from UCSB Glass Biography Highlights of the Lehmann Centennial Jefferson biography...

Goethe Songs

Das Veilchen/The Little Violet Ein Veilchen auf der Wiese stand, Gebückt in sich und unbekannt; Es war ein herzigs Veilchen. Da kam ein junge Schäferin Mit leichtem Schritt und munterm Sinn Daher, daher, Die Wiese her, und sang. Ach! denkt das Veilchen, wär ich nur...