Lehmann CDs

CD Index: This index-in-progress provides an almost complete listing of the Lehmann CDs (in no particular order…use “find” to locate something in particular) with references to the discography numbers in brackets at the end of each listing. These CDs...

New Yorker Article

This is the literate and personal results of the interview that Marcia Davenport had with Mme Lehmann. It was important in Lehmann’s American career, though she tried to disown the various portions of it that she believed were inaccurate.

Latest News

Use this page to stay current on news about Lotte Lehmann. I try to post the news as it arrives. As you scroll down the page you’ll find items that came in as far back as 2011. Joan Winden Passes Joan Stensen Winden (1931-2024) was born in Washington and grew up...

Advisors for the LLF and the LLL

BOARD OF ADVISORS When I began the Lotte Lehmann Foundation I knew that it would gain in respect, prestige and effectiveness if I assembled a group of artists who were well-known in the world of art song.  But the original stationery couldn’t have no...

Supporters of the LLF

2009: $1,000+ Anonymous Foundation $250+ Dalton Baldwin, Daron Hagen & Gilda Lyons $100+ Albert Schutz, Larry Alan Smith, Pierre Vallet under $100 Carole & Thomas Geballe, Kay Griffel, William Van Hunter, Gilda M. Lyons, Russell Platt, David Zirlin With...

Lehmann Letters

Lotte Lehmann was an avid writer of letters. You  may read some of them elsewhere on this site, especially when they’re to famous people or to her companion, Frances. You can view a PDF from one of my Lotte Lehmann & Her Legacy iBooks that contains many of...