Intet är som väntanstider/Nothing is like the time of waiting
Intet är som längtanstider, väntansår, trolofningstider. Ingen vår ett skimmer sprider som en hemlig hjärtanskär. Sällan mötas, skiljas snarligt, drömma om allt ljuvt och farligt livet i sitt sköte bär! Gyllne frukt må andra skaka; jag vill dröja och försaka, i min lustgåd vill jag vaka, medan träden knoppas där.
Nothing is like longing time, years of waiting, engagement time. No spring spreads a shimmer like a secret heart’s love. Rare meetings and certain partings, to dream of all that is sweet and dangerous life carries in its womb! Others may seek the gilded fruit of autumn; I will wait and go without, in my paradise I will keep vigil, while the trees bud there.
Jungfrun under lind/Maiden under the Linden tree
Själv är hon liksom en sol i vår som äpplet är hennes kind, när hon vid spegeln slår ut sitt hår, det faller som blomster från lind.
Som solen fångas av lindens blad så fängslas hon håg och sinn, så har hon mig bundit med trolska kvad, och tagit mitt hjärta, mitt hjärta in.
She is like the sun in the spring like the apple is her cheek, when she in the mirror lets out her hair, it falls like flowers from the linden tree.
Like the sun, caught by the linden’s leaves trapped by mind and thought she gets me, with sorcerous ways, and has taken my heart, my heart inside, my heart inside.
När jag för mig själv/When I walk by myself
Tåren börjar rinna, hjärtat slå, aldrig kan man glömma den, man en gång hållit å’.
Ängar, berg och dal och skog med fåglar små, blåa himmelen med klara stjärnor på,
allt vad havet gömmer, pärlor och koraller, svanedun av skum och klaraste kristaller,
gräs och blommor all och lindelöv på kvist, allting gåve jag för vännen, som jag mist, lilla vännen kär från barndomsdagar.
My tears begin to run, My heart to beat, Never can you forget The one you once loved.
Fields, mountain and valley And wood with little birds, Blue skies With clear stars in them,
Everything which the sea conceals, Pearls and corals, Swan’s-down of foam And clearest crystals,
All grasses and flowers And linden-leaf on the twigs, Everything I would give For the friend I have lost, My dear little friend From childhood days.
som när den långa dagen ett tröskverk brummat och ängslat bygden med sin dova id, och ljudet plötsligt dör, och andetagen av guldsval kväll så trösteligt man hör, som vore allt till evig tid förstummat.
As when through the long day A thresher has been humming And alarming the countryside with its dull industry, And the sound suddenly dies, And we hear the golden-cool evening Taking a breath, so comforting, As though all our being had fallen silent for ever.
Margit’s songs
Kyllinghønen vingerne sænker, hanen står på et ben og tænker; “Den grå gås styrer høj nok kås, men se til, om den kan nå en hane i forstand? Ind, ind, høner under tag, solen kan gærne få lov for idag.” siger hanen.
“Herregud, det er godt at leve for den, som slipper at stræve,” siger fuglene.
The hen lowers her wings, The cock stands on one leg and thinks. “The grey goose steers a high enough course, but see if he can match a cockerel for brains. In, in, hens, under the roof! The sun has had enough for today!”, Says the cockerel.
“Lord God, it’s good to be alive for the one who gives up toiling”, say the birds.
Hvad du sa’ ifjor, husker jeg i år sidder som en fugl i karmen, kakker på og slår, synger lidt og spår lykke under solevarmen.
Nu godnat, godnat! drømmen har mig fat, den om dine milde øjne og de tavse ord, som af krogen fór, o, de vare så forfløjne!
What you said last year I remember this year, It sits like a bird on the window-sill Who peeks out and beats his wings, Sings a little and foretells Joys under the warmth of the sun.
Now goodnight, goodnight, The dream has taken me, The one about your gentle eyes, And the silent words, As if in a corner, Oh, they were so giddy!
Och vid de skummiga stränderna hör jag din stämmas vaggande vågsorl till tröst Räck mig de älskade händerna. Mörkret skall skrämmas. Kvalet skall släppa mitt bröst.
Bara du går över ängarna, bara jag ser dig vandra i fjärran förbi, darra de eviga strängarna. Säg mig vem ger dig makten som blir melodi?
And by the foamy shore I hear the comforting sound of your voice like a whirling wave. Reach me your beloved hands: darkness will take flight, pain will release its hold on my breast.
You have only to walk across the field, I have only to see you passing in the distance, and the eternal strings begin to tremble. Tell me, who has given you the power that becomes melody?
Gullebarn’s Lullaby
This is the fifth of the series. We are suddenly transported to the forest, with its heather, ferns and whitened branches. The sun is setting in a blazing ball over the hill crest. The sparkling skein whirs away through space until, finally, it lands on the island of Elysium. Gullebarn beholds the abode of the dead. He meets Diogenes, meets Saladin in ruby-encrusted armour, hears the voice of the hero…
The poem as a whole intimates how intensely the child within the poet can be impulsively, irrationally actualised. Amid the game of fairy tale images and lullaby rhythms comes the stern call of the sibyl: what we are all searching for is the child, which, after growing to manhood, will lift the sun from the mist. Perhaps Gullebarn is that very child!
Beethoven’s Neue Liebe, neues Leben/New Love, New Life
Lehmann and Ulanowsky performed this on their 7 March 1948 Town Hall recital. Despite her 60 years, one hears Lehmann really excited to tell us of the intense emotions of love, and in this particular song, new life. At her tempo, the rapid accompaniment sounds almost unplayable, but somehow Ulanowsky manages it. Lehmann never recorded this in a studio, so this live performance is especially important and in its day preserved in an extra way because it was distributed by the Armed Forces Radio or VOA.