LL’s Doppelgänger

A recent article on Lehmann’s performance of Schubert’s “Der Doppelgänger” by Alastair Macaulay, an historian and critic of the performing arts, is the focus of this page. Lehmann wrote the following about Lieder in general, which she feels:...

LL and the Reopening of Vienna Opera

As the late film maker Christopher Nupen wrote:  “The reopening of the Vienna State Opera…took place in November 1955. It was the biggest musical event in Europe since the start of the war in 1939.” And Lehmann was there. Below, you can read...

Lehmann on her Students

When I said goodbye to my concert audience in New York in 1951, in the beloved Town Hall that was like my home, I believed that I was now going to retire completely from all musical activity. I had served the world with my singing for a lifetime and felt that it was...

LL: Das Lied

Beethoven’s “Andenken” 2. Das Lied (Im Algemeinen) 3. Lieder in LL’s Karriere Es hört hier unvollendet auf. 4. LL: Ihre Karriere

Lehmann at Camp Roberts

Lotte Lehmann sang for the armed forces on a number of occasions. Beaumont Glass wrote: “Whether at Town Hall or an army base, her warm personality, along with her voice, quickly won the hearts of her audiences, soldiers as well as civilians. After an...

Master’s Thesis on LL’s Pre-WWII Lieder Performance

Marlina Deasy Hartanto submitted a paper on Lehmann called “Exploring Expressive Lied Performance: Re-enacting Lotte Lehmann’s Pre-World War II Lied Performances,” as a master project for the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague on November 9, 2021. We were...