LL’s Unpublished Poems at UCSB

The following poems were discovered in Spring 2023 at the UCSB Davidson Library Special Collection of Lotte Lehmann material. Also uncovered are until-now, unknown translations that are now included where appropriate, as well as verses added to already known...

LL on Critics

This is a translation of Lehmann’s typewritten article found in Lehmann auf Deutsch. This is a difficult chapter – but I must get something off my chest for once, which for all performing artists is a dark cloud threatening their enjoyment of such a wonderful...

LL on the Metropolitan

This is a translation of Lehmann’s typewritten article found in Lehmann auf Deutsch. It’s strange how long it took me to get the Metropolitan Opera’s commitment. I was already an internationally known singer, but only after my concert success in New...

LL on Strauss #1 & #2

This is a translation of Lehmann’s typewritten essay on Strauss found in Lehmann auf Deutsch. She wrote a second one which can be found below. I have heard that Strauss is purported to have often said that he had “discovered” me. That is not entirely true, as I...

LL on Puccini

This is a translation of Lehmann’s typewritten article on Puccini found in Lehmann auf Deutsch. Great excitement in the Vienna Opera: Puccini came to the last rehearsals of his three one-act operas “Soeur Angelica”, “Il Tabarro” and “Gianni...

LL’s Accompanists

This is a translation of Lehmann’s typewritten article “Konzertbegleiter” found in Lehmann auf Deutsch. Professor Ferdinand Foll [who had been a personal friend of Hugo Wolf] from the Vienna State Opera, was the first to accompany me in so-called...