Select the Lehmann-related subject below and you’ll find yourself on a page that offers many possible selections within that topic.
Afterlife (recordings, centennial, tributes, foundation, students, bio-pic, archives, “LL-Woche”)
Appraisals (colleagues, friends, students, critics)
Art (for art song cycles, opera, portraits, mosaic, felt, misc. )
Bibliography (books by her and books, articles about her)
Biography (bios and obits)
Comparisons (with other singers: Volume 1, Volume 2)
Discography (without and without LL singing)
Friends (husband, Tocanini, Bruno Walter, Ulanowsky, Frances Holden)
iBooks (Volume 1 background; 2 personal; 3 song classes; 4 cycle classes; 5 opera classes; 6 interviews)
Interviews (English or German)
Live Recordings
Newsletters (Lotte Lehmann League, Lotte Lehmann Foundation)
Photos (major roles, minor roles, in recital, with friends)
Private Life
Programs (opera, concert)
Recommendations (songs in English, pop songs)
Recordings (latest improvements, discography, test pressings, CD Index, technical data)
Reviews (newspaper clippings, magazine articles)
Singing (opera, art song)
Students (background, list)
Teaching (master classes, famous students write or speak: Benita Valente, Lois Alba, Marilyn Horne, Grace Bumbry, )
Tributes (sung, written)
Writing (articles, poetry, novelette, diary, letters, Goering)