Chapter 5.7: “Im Abendrot” by Schubert

Lotte Lehmann called Schubert’s “Im Abendrot” her favorite song when I interviewed her for her 85th birthday. Christopher Nupen used this Lehmann recording at the end of his documentary on Schubert. Karl Lappe wrote the words. Schumann sings “Im...

Chapter 5.2: Liebestod

The words and translations are long, so please read below to follow along with these singers. Mild und leise wie er lächeltwie das Augehold er öffnet—Seht ihr’s, Freunde?Seht ihr’s nicht? Immer lichterwie er leuchtetstern-umstrahlethoch sich hebt?Seht ihr’s...

Chapter 5.1: Comparisons

A second chapter of Comparisons can be found in Volume II.  “Liebestod” from Richard Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde “Wenn du mein Liebster” by Hugo Wolf Arabella excerpt by Richard Strauss “Zueignung” by Strauss “Im Abendrot” by Franz Schubert “O Sachs, mein...

Chapter 6: Arias & Lieder with Commentary

This first selection is from Lehmann’s most celebrated recorded achievement: “Der Männer Sippe” from Act I of Wagner’s Die Walküre.  Bruno Walter conducted the 1935 HMV recording. Critics from the time it was released until the present have universally praised...