I treat the word “friend” rather broadly. On this page you’ll see some of the greatest musicians of Lehmann’s time, as well as Lehmann with her dogs and other animals. Some of these friends are really colleagues, but I know that Lehmann counted the conductor/pianist Bruno Walter as a friend, as well as bass-baritone Richard Mayr, soprano Elisabeth Schumann, companion Frances Holden, and of course her husband, Otto. There’s an obvious non-friend below and that’s conductor Clemens Krauss (who wanted Usurleac, his mistress and later wife, to sing roles that Lehmann was singing).
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Martha Graham, LL, Stokowski, 1955Olszewska, Schumann, LLLL with husband OttoLL and her favorite dogBruno Walter, LL, Felix SaltenLL with GianniniBumbry with LLWith heldentenor Wolfgang WindgassenWith movie stars Basil Rathbone and Charles BoyerJudy Garland, Frank Sinatra, LLWith ToscaniniRehearsing with Maestro ToscaniniWith ToscaniniLL always had pet dogsWith studentsWith Students With Abravanel and MelchiorWith KoldofskyWith OttoWith Governor RohrlW With Friends in SalzburgWith Clemens Krauss (no friend!)With Eleanor Steber and Shirley SprouleEleanor Roosevelt and LLBeata Popper and LL, 1968Wedding Day: Otto, mother & LLMann, LL, Mann’s children, Bruno WalterRisë Stevens, LL, Bruno WalterReceiving an award at MAW in front of the Fidelio portraitWith R. Mayr (one of her best friends)LL, Bruno Walter, Dusolina Giannini (Bruno’s mistress), in SalzburgWith Bruno Walter in SalzburgWith PinzaOn Tour with Lauritz MelchiorLL with MelchiorLL, Melchior’s wife, LMOn a shipNelson Eddy and LLLL with Lisa Della CassaWaikiki on the way to first Australian tour. Ulanowsky, LL and OttoWith a Kookaburra in AustraliaWith Koalas on Australia TourIn Australia, 1938In Front of her home in Vienna with Hertha Schuch, leaving Vienna in 1937 for the last time before the Anschluss and war, 1937LL with OttoWith Hilde GüdenAboard Bremen with OttoOn board with ChaliapinPainting Risë Stevens’ PortraitWith Frances and pet dogAlways fascinated with animalsWith Grace BumbryWith Frances and dogsOn horseback with Frances (L) at Orplid, early 1940sLL’s familyWith E. Schumann (one of her best friends)Always happiest with petsSinging on base; Dick Pleasant, LL, Frances, Gen. Fales ,1944With Chauffeur and dog, ViennaWith BumbryWith brother Fritz, 1930sPortrait with Brother Fritz, Otto, and Fritz’s first wifeWith former colleagues Alfred Piccaver and Hans Duhan at reopening of Vienna Opera, 1955LL with former contralto Ruth MichaelisFour famous singers on boardwith MichaelisA different photo from the one at the top: LL with Christa LudwigLL with unknown womanLL with Grace Bumbrywith Toscanini after a peasant wedding at which she sangThomas Mann, Erika Mann, LL, Bruno WalterWith Lisa della Casa, 1955 (Re-opening of Vienna OperaAboard ship: Bruno Walter, LL, George ClemenseauLL painting Risë StevensReception for LL in 1967 with Shige Iano and Erna BergerLL with Nelson Eddie 1938LL with Frances HoldenLL with three of her four step-childrenElse (BW’s wife), Lotte (BW’s daughter), Bruno Walter, LLRisë Stevens with LL (on the set of the movie Chocolate Soldier 1955)LL with Fritzi MassaryLauri-Volpi, LL, Chaliapin, Branzell on board 1932LL and Chaliapinwith Maria Olszewska at the reopening of the Vienna Opera 1955LL, Otto, and an unknown womanAdair McGowan steals a kissOne of her honorary degrees with an unknown manwith soprano Ljuba Welitschwith Jess Thomas or perhaps Wolfgang Windgassenrehearsing with Erich LeinsdorfLL with Melchior