Lotte Lehmann: Photos with Friends & Colleagues

With Christa Ludwig

I treat the word “friend” rather broadly. On this page you’ll see some of the greatest musicians of Lehmann’s time, as well as Lehmann with her dogs and other animals. Some of these friends are really colleagues, but I know that Lehmann counted the conductor/pianist Bruno Walter as a friend, as well as bass-baritone Richard Mayr, soprano Elisabeth Schumann, companion Frances Holden, and of course her husband, Otto. There’s an obvious non-friend below and that’s conductor Clemens Krauss (who wanted Usurleac, his mistress and later wife, to sing roles that Lehmann was singing).

One of her honorary degrees with an unknown man
with soprano Ljuba Welitsch
with Jess Thomas or perhaps Wolfgang Windgassen
rehearsing with Erich Leinsdorf
LL with Melchior