Studio Portraits & Recitals

Live Salzburg rehearsal with Toscanini

In the 1920s – 1940s it was difficult during the actual recital to photograph Lehmann and her pianist. We have very few “live” photos and so we need to supplement them with the studio portraits. Should you have any photos of Lehmann singing, please send them to me. As of 2017 we have some new ones of Lehmann singing with either orchestra or piano. Many thanks!

Early undated photo
For her London debut 1914
Recording for Caedmon: German poetry
Meintner-Graf, photographer
Salzburg 1937: Bruno Walter and LL
Salzburg 1937
Salzburg undated
Photographer: Lotte Meitner-Graf
Badly damaged, but unknown early photo
Not Lehmann’s signature
Dated 1927, it may be earlier