This page contains photos of many Lehmann performance programs and reviews. You can click on any of the images below to see them larger.
The complete program and a review of Lehmann’s recital Troy, NY is of special interest.
From 25 January 1935 we have a program of a recital in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Below you’ll find a long article on styles of singing, with many examples of singers of the past. Lotte Lehmann enters the discussion at page 44.
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Below you’ll find a PDF of the Program and Magazine of Brooklyn Academy of Music that includes an article on Lehmann (page 11).
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The very first image that you’ll see is quite historic: it’s that last performance that Lehmann sang in Europe. Fittingly, it was a Liederabend in Vienna, with Bruno Walter at the piano. Lehmann left shortly thereafter. Notice the many Carnegie Hall performances, mostly with the New York Philharmonic.
Also on this page are many reviews that Lehmann’s pianist Paul Ulanowsky clipped while on their first Australian tour in 1937. After those, there are many clippings, posters etc. gathered by Peter Clausen, the grandson of one of Lehmann’s colleagues, Bauer von Pilecka.