Besides the master classes found in the iBooks Volumes 3, 4, and 5, we offer audios in website format of Lehmann teaching Lieder, mélodie, and art song in alphabetical order. You can also hear her in master classes in arias and opera scenes in alphabetical order. Lehmann’s master classes of art song cycles are now available. These aren’t as complete as the master classes found in the iBooks which we have converted to the website format.
Besides teaching privately, Lehmann gave many master classes throughout the world, as well as at the Music Academy of the West, in Santa Barbara, California. I have a page on which I try to list “all” of her students.
Just after her retirement from the recital stage in 1951, Lehmann began a series of master classes in Pasadena, that were recorded. Here is one of them: This lasts over an hour, but is worth it. Here is another: This is less than an hour and ends with Lehmann talking about how important the eyes are. Thanks to Paul Koko we now have two complete classes that Lehmann taught at Northwestern University in 1967: 01 May 1967 Die schöne Müllerin and 10 May 1967 Various Lieder. These examples let you hear the whole class instead of the individual song or aria offered at the top of the page.
Don’t forget that VAI offers two DVDs of Lehmann teaching at the Music Academy of the West. One of them is of opera arias and scenes and the other of Lieder. She demonstrates frequently, and there is a lot of wisdom offered in her suggestions.
Here are some of the individual songs taught at the Pasadena master classes: Zueignung
Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer
Die Liebende Schreibt (about sentimentality)
Lehmann (live) sings: Die Liebende Schreibt
The following songs and arias are from master classes that Lehmann gave in the 1950s at the Music Academy of the West.
Fidelio This is important: Lehmann provides, in the introduction, a nice analysis of Leonore’s plight and fight. She also demonstrates the Abscheulicher section with lots of venom!
Auf das Trinkglas Sadly, this is missing the introduction, but it has some insight into the poetry that inspired Schumann’s Lied.
Geheimis The background that Lehmann provides for this Schubert song allows us to appreciate its intricacies a lot more profoundly.
Braune Bursche This is one of the Gypsy Songs of Brahms. Marcella Reale is the student! It’s amazing how vigorously masculine Lehmann can sound when demonstrating.
O wüsst ich doch Another Brahms song. But since this was the last of the session, it doesn’t receive all the attention it deserves.
Farewell Lehmann says good bye at the end of a summer, with a nice anecdote.