This is a page dedicated to my friend and partner, (and as of December 21, 2013, “wedded partner”) Dennis Moore. Here are the photos from Dennis & Gary’s wedding ceremony and reception. Thanks to our friend Suchi Psarakos, who edited it, you can now see a video of the ceremony and the reception. She recently found a photo she took of Dennis and me on the Big Island in the 1990’s when Dennis was still hiking, kayaking, swimming and leaping off cliffs.

It’s obvious that Dennis and I share a love of music, art and learning, but we have also been able to share in the up-bringing of Suchi’s daughter Eva Melia Ramm, seen here as a baby with Dennis on Kailua Beach.
You can hear the recording we made of songs that we love for voice and piano. This is a house recording and is offered first to Dennis’ mother, Jennie, and then to our friends. The original words and translations are available on this site. Oh Rest in the Lord, Stopping in Woods, Widmung (O danke nicht), Saphische Ode, Wie Melodien, Rain in Spring, Lydia, Linden Lea, Le Charme, Amarilli Also on this site is the recording that I made of Dennis’ “Three Pieces for Solo Bass.” We entered it in the International Society of Bassists’ composition contest in June 2012. We did not win. But it’s a fine piece that I’m happy to share, both my playing of it and more importantly, the actual sheet music: Toccata Elegie Dance My performance of the movements is limited by my facility. The outer movements (the Toccata and Dance) should go faster. But the following recording I made will give you an idea of the music. I hope you enjoy Dennis’ “Three Pieces for Solo Bass”: Toccata Elegie Dance
Digital Art

Dennis is a talented pianist, and we’ll soon be posting some of his piano work. But he’s also an artist, and enjoys using his iPad to create a wide range of colorful abstracts (including some whimsical botanicals). Click to view a gallery of his computer-generated Digital Artwork. If you wish to purchase a copy: 8 1/2″ x 11″ glossy, titled, signed, and dated by Dennis, please contact us. Each image is available for US $150.00, plus postage.
Two of Mr. Moore’s digital designs were accepted in the “Windward Artists Guild 53rd Annual Juried Exhibit.” You can see a few photos below from the reception, and here’s a link of other photos from the gallery opening. The exhibit took place at the First Hawaiian Tower, aka Pan Pacific Plaza. The Juror was Lauren C. Faulkner.

Below are some comments that Dennis has received on his art. If you care to write something, just send it in using Your Input .
- Dennis Bilder sind wirklich klasse, sehr beeindruckend !!/ Translation: Dennis’ art works are really first class, very impressive!!
- Astonished by Dennis’ imaginative and futuristic images, powerful color creating surreal & hyper real sci-fi mysteries.
- Wow – the art here is wonderful – the music is very fine, but I’m not as sophisticated in bass music (or as familiar) as with visual art pieces – and goodness – we should do an exhibit somewhere – Morning Brew? Che Pasta? As to Dennis’s art, I looked at it with my mouth ajar! He has enormous talent in his field, and I wonder what he’s done with it professionally? I am greatly impressed by his technical facility which allows him to produce such a wealth of really interesting compositions. I am thinking that the Museum should consider such an exhibition. Dennis’ wonderful (! who knew?) paintings. A most remarkable person.
- Was für eine Überraschung! I am thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!
- Aber die Bilder von Dennis sind umwerfend! Was für ein Künstler – besonders das Bild Duet finde ich so ergreifend. Dennis, ich gratuliere Dir zu Deinem Talent und hoffe, es macht Dich ein bisschen froh, wenn Du so viele Dinge aus Dir herausholen kannst. Da verarbeitest Du doch sicher eine Menge Gefühle, Gedanken vielleicht auch Schmerzen? Ich hoffe und wünsche es Dir. Translation: What a surprise! The pictures by Dennis are staggering! What an artist – especially the picture called “Duet” I find very moving. Dennis, I congratulate you on your talent and hope it makes you a little happy, when you can extract so many things out of yourself. That you certainly process a lot of feelings, thoughts, perhaps also pain? I hope that, and wish it for you. I love abstract works, even though I also enjoy realism. So cudo to Dennis for the design. It is very pleasing, and I would love to see more of his visual work.
- Well that was a treat indeed, love the art … I was very impressed with his art work. I didn’t know anything of this. Very impressed. Are these computer graphics? Amazing results.