These are Lehmann’s initial sketches (preliminary drafts) for DSM, made in 1943, that she felt were crude and “childish.” She later redid them. These are examples of what we already have so you can familiarize yourself with the story content. The...
Hidden page, for Megan. These are examples of what David gave to Gary when he asked for Lehmann’s color art for DSM. These were made in 1943, and are not what Gary wanted; Lehmann only intended them to be preliminary drafts. Somewhere SC has better images than...
FOOTNOTE TEST This is where I am testing the FOOTNOTE1 feature.2 I think I will add anothe rnote here. 3 And here is the third time I test FOOTNOTE. 4 Here is the last one.5 PDF EMbed example CONTENT TOGGLE EXAMPLE Lehmann’s Roles PDF+LIGHTBOX EXAMPLE >>...