One paragraph, see below.
Short bio 1:
Short bio 2:
Medium length 1: Jacobson: (needs removal as a stand alone)
Medium length 2: Glass:
Medium length 3: Scott:
Longer 1: Crawford:
Longer 2: Gundlach:
Longer with photos and music 1: (needs removal as a stand alone)
Longer with photos 2: Glass:
Longer with photos 3: New York Times (corrected obituary with added photos): (needs removal as a stand alone)
Book length: Glass:
Book length Biographies of Lotte Lehmann
(In chronological order of their publication)
Lotte Lehmann…mehr als eine Sängerin, Berndt W. Wessling; Residenz Verlag, Salzburg, 1969. In German; a kind of biography with input from many authors (including Lehmann), a wide range of photos; reproduced letters from composers, colleagues and conductors; programs and other memorabilia. [Not reliable.]
Lotte Lehmann: A Life in Opera and Song, Beaumont Glass; Capra Press, Santa Barbara, 1988. A complete biography, the “official” biography. This official status allowed Glass access to original sources in the Lehmann Archives at UCSB and many interviews with Lehmann’s friend Frances Holden in Orplid where they lived. Many photos. Includes a complete discography by Gary Hickling. [An updated version can be found on this website:]
Lotte Lehmann: 1888-1976 A Centenary Biography, Alan Jefferson, Julia MacRae Books, A Division of Walker Books, London, 1988. A fairly complete biography. Since Jefferson didn’t have access to the Lehmann Archives, his book relies more on testimony of students and colleagues. Some photos, good statistical tables of Lehmann’s opera performances. An excellent discography by Floris Juynboll; doesn’t include much information on the non-commercial portion of Lehmann’s legacy.
Lotte Lehmann: Eine Biographie, Alan Jefferson, trans. into German by Ulrike and Manfred Halbe-Bauer, Schweizer Verlagshaus, Zürich; 1991. Essentially the same as the English version. An updated discography by Juynboll, again with a short version of the non-commercial material.
Lotte Lehmann: “Sie sang, dass es Sterne rührte”: Eine Biographie, Berndt W. Wessling, P.J. Tonger Musikverlag, Köln-Rodenkirchen, 1995. A complete biography in German, which includes much of the same material used in Mehr als eine Sängerin such as the good photos, reproduced letters, memorabilia etc. A bit more of the sordid side of diva battles and much conjecture by the late author. [Not reliable.]
Never Sang for Hitler, The Life and Times of Lotte Lehmann, Dr. Michael Kater, Cambridge University Press, 2008. A thorough look at the historic context of Lehmann’s eighty-eight years. Kater doesn’t hesitate to analyze or criticize or speculate. No mere account of LL’s successes, this book tells the difficult aspects of LL’s personality and her various relationships.
Lotte Lehmann in America: Her Legacy as Artist Teacher, with Commentaries from Her Master Classes by Kathy H. Brown, College Music Society, 2012. Part of a series: Monographs and bibliographies in American music; no. 23. Free from typos and factual errors (though Lehmann didn’t sing in Salzburg in 1917 and she wasn’t the first opera prima donna to appear on the cover of Time magazine). There are a lot of photos and nice summaries of Lehmann’s life and career before she made America her home.
Autobiography introduction:
Autobiographical books:
Anfang und Aufstieg, Herbert Reichner Verlag, Vienna 1937 (Original [German] version of Lehmann’s memoire)
Midway in My Song, Bobbs-Merrill New York 1938 (American publication of Anfang und Aufstieg in the English translation by Margaret Ludwig) (Reprinted: Greenwood, Westport, Conn., 1970)
Wings of Song, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., London, 1938 (UK publication of Anfang und Aufstieg in a translation by Margaret Ludwig)
More than Singing, (translated by Frances Holden), Boosey & Hawkes, New York 1945 (reprinted: Greenwood, Westport, Conn., 1975; Dover paperback 1985). Though not an autobiography, there are many references to her life.
My Many Lives, (translated by Frances Holden), Boosey & Hawkes, New York 1948; (reprinted: Greenwood, Westport, Conn., 1974). Though not an autobiography, there are many references to her life.
Five Operas and Richard Strauss, (translated by Ernst Pawel), Macmillan, New York 1964 (reprinted by Da Capo 1982). Though not an autobiography, there are many references to her life.
Singing with Richard Strauss, Hamish Hamilton, London 1964 (UK publication of Five Operas and Richard Strauss). Though not an autobiography, there are many references to her life.
One paragraph bio:
Soprano Lotte Lehmann (born on 27 February 1888, Germany; died on 26 August 1976 USA) made her operatic debut at the Hamburg Opera in 1910 and sang her last recital in August 1951. One of the greatest singers of the 20th century, creator of roles by Strauss and Korngold, Lehmann emigrated to the United States in 1937. A founder of the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, California, Lehmann was also a profoundly influential teacher, a published author, poet, and painter. Her recorded legacy spans 500 releases. After retiring, she taught at her home in Santa Barbara almost until her death in 1976 at the age of 88.
Biographies In German
New York Times Obit
Andrea Seebohm (German)