Sylvia G. Dreyfus wrote the following interview/article on Lehmann in the 1940s. She wasn’t new to the world of classical music, having written “American Songbird—The Success-Story of Dorothy Maynor” for Liberty magazine: 30 November 1940; and “Notes on Conducting: Conversations with Koussevitzky” for Atlantic Monthly Magazine December 1936. Other references to her include the following: Sylvia Goulston Dreyfus worked to improve Boston both through community activism and through her support of art and music. Along with being president of the Hecht Neighborhood House, she was trustee of the New England Conservatory, worked on the Berkshire Music Festival, and served as honorary chair of the Palestine Orchestra Fund.
The Lehmann article includes some misinformation, probably supplied by Lehmann’s agent, but when Dreyfus quotes Lehmann, the thoughts seem an accurate reflection of what she believed.