In the 1940s, Lehmann gave many joint recitals with heldentenor and friend, Lauritz Melchior. She had fun on the tours with him. He loved to joke around and they sang well together. In this Melchior Memorial interview Lehmann spoke about their joint recital tours. LL on Melchior
Here’s how the announcement read: Lotte Lehmann, prima donna soprano, Metropolitan Opera, Lauritz Melchior, leading tenor, Metropolitan Opera in joint recital, Constitution Hall, Tuesday evening, Nov. 18, 1941 at 8:30 o’clock. Mr. Paul Ulanowsky at the piano for Mme. Lehmann, Mr. Ignace Strasfogel at the piano for Mr. Melchior.
(Melchior/Strasfogel) I. Aria: Ujaraks Udfart, from the opera “Kaddara” (Danish) / Hakon Boerresen — Flyg mina Tankar (Fly My Thoughts) (Swedish) / Richard Hanneberg — Flyvende Oern (Flying Eagle) (Norwegian) / Sverre Jordan — Februarmorgen ved Golfen (February Morning by the Sea) (Norwegian) / Alnaes — Til Norge (To Norway) (Norwegian) / Grieg
(Lehmann/Ulanowsky) II. Liebesbotschaft / Schubert — Der Erlkoenig / Schubert — Mein Mädel hat einen Rosenmund / Brahms — Verborgenheit / Wolf — Zueignung / Strauss —
(Duets) III. Familiengemälde / Schumann — Er und Sie / Schumann — So wahr die Sonne scheinet / Schumann — Unter’m Fenster / Schumann —
Intermission —
(Mixed) IV. Dem Unendlichen / Schubert — An die Musik / Schubert — Die heiligen drei Koenige / Lange-Mueller — Come You Mary / Harold Craxton — There Shall Be Music When You Come / Walter Bransen —
(Mixed) V. To Electra / Seth Felt — There’s Not a Swain / Purcell — She Never Told Her Love / Haydn — Who is Sylvia? / Schubert —
(Duet) VI. Spring Song from Act 1, “Walküre” / Wagner.