In her retirement Lehmann seemed as active as she was during her opera and recital days. Another page offers her art work, and still another her teaching. This page tries to keep up with Lotte Lehmann as she visited the re-opening of the Vienna Opera, was honored by universities and foundations, had a street named for her, made a movie and got a misspelled star in Hollywood. The enlarged photo is from the dinner following the closing of the old “Met” in 1966 where she proudly wears her medals.
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At UCSB when a concert hall was named in her honorLehmann Examines a Score at OrplidTeaching a Master ClassAt MAWLondon Master Class AnnouncementReading poetryWith Frances and dogsWith famous visitorsReceiving honorsEnjoying her garden, 1969Hollywood Star (Misspelled! But an honor nonetheless.)Singing for MGMWith Piccaver and Duhan at the reopening of Vienna OperaWith T. Mann, B. Walter, and othersWith Melchiors, lifetime friendsWith Lisa Della CasaWith student Katsuumi NiwaTraveling with BumbryWith Abravanel MelchiorWith Bumbry1962 Met Rosenkavalier which she directedAt her beloved MAW1969With JeritzaH. Schuch At LL grave in ViennaFrank Manhold tends the graveOn her own street! 1970Honored in SalzburgTraveling, Vienna, 1959With OlszewskaFinal photo portraitIn her own garden, 19691948Honorary doctorateby the pool at OrplidReading poetry for Caedmon RecordsSigned: 1971Unknown date or place.